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Urban Intelligence
as - a - Service

Digitalization of cities with innovative solutions for urban infrastructures


Climat protection with UI-as-a-S

URBAN INTELLIGENCE as a Service aims to support the digitalisation of cities with new innovative solutions for urban infrastructure and buildings as a comprehensive, sustainable service that also includes the guaranteed data sovereignty of cities and takes into account the basic needs of their infrastructures.
Fully implemented modernisation measures can save energy and thus reduce emissions from day one. You finance your optimisation measures to a large extent with the savings from this.
A central part of the service is the modernisation of street lighting through the use of LED technology and state-of-the-art control systems, which, based on platform-based AI models, achieve maximum energy/CO2 savings, maximum safety and greatly reduced ecological impact.

As part of our URBAN INTELLIGENCE - as - a - Service offer, we currently offer the following options:

  • Smart Lighting - as - a - Service (modernisation of your lighting systems)
  • Smart Mobility - as - a - Service (numerous solutions from charging infrastructures to AI analytics to intelligent fleet management of your e-vehicles)
  • Smart Traffic - as - a - Service (traffic and parking optimisation)
  • Further services are planned

More coming soon..

Would you like to learn more about our solutions?

We are at your disposal
and are looking forward to your visit!

Visit us in one of our [ui!] offices

  • Berlin

    Fasanenstraße 3
    D- 10623 Berlin
    T +49 (0) 30 208 47 24 40
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  • Chemnitz

    Zwickauer Straße 223a
    D- 09116 Chemnitz
    T +49 (0) 371 8 57 98 59
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  • Darmstadt

    Rössler Str. 88
    D- 64293 Darmstadt
    T +49 (0) 6151 4 93 20 60
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  • Munich

    c/o BASE
    Blütenstr. 15
    80799 München
    T +49 (0) 89 6931495 40
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  • Walldorf

    Haydnstraße 34
    D- 69190 Walldorf
    T +49 (0) 6151 49 320 60
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[ui!] Urban Lighting Innovations

Fasanenstraße 3
D- 10623 Berlin
T +49 (0) 30 208 47 24 40
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[ui!] Urban Mobility Innovations

Fasanenstraße 3
D- 10623 Berlin
T +49 (0) 30 208 47 24 40
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[ui!] Urban Software Institute

Zwickauer Straße 223a
D- 09116 Chemnitz
T +49 (0) 371 8 57 98 59
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[ui!] The Urban Institute Pty Ltd

c/o Innovation Centre, 90 Sippy Downs Drive
Sippy Downs QLD
4556 Australia
T: +61 7 5457 0307
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United Kingdom

[ui!] UK Urban integrated ltd

The Oxford Eco-Centre,
Roger House, Osney Mead,
Oxford OX2 0ES.
T +44 7890 547704
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[ui!] urban institute Hungary Zrt.

Egry József u. 18, V1 Building C wing.
Budapest, 1111,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
T +36 1 463 34 19
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[ui!] urban integrated inc.

One World Trade Center
285 Fulton Street, Suite 8500
New York, NY 10007
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